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August 29, 2024 - Let Go and Let God

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

This week’s astrological energy has been building towards Thursday as we see several impactful events. The moon is in its second day of Cancer and the final day of the Third Quarter phase of revising and realigning. We may start to feel the balsamic energy coming in as we forgive and dream for the new Moon in Virgo next Monday.

In no particular order the astrological events today include Mercury stationing direct about 5:14PM. It has been stationary in the sky since Tuesday. We are not 100% clear of the retrograde as its shadow impacts us until September 11 however much of the communication and electronics issues will be resolved.

We have Venus entering Libra at 9:22AM. Venus is ruled by Libra meaning this is one of the signs it feels most comfortable in making this a benefic period. The Libra cycle is known for relationships, be it creative, romantic or familial, enjoy this energy.

Finally, Venus (00°Li03’) trine Pluto Rx (00°Vi03’) occurs at 10:31AM. This is Pluto's last aspect before moving back into Capricorn. We can expect this aspect to intensify interactions with others. We must express ourselves honestly, then step back and allow others to find their truth.

We can look to the Earth and Sun for specifics today, at "a harem" and "a cross lying on rocks." These symbols show restraint, the Harem alludes to acceptance of regimentation to avoid having to make decisions or act independently. We want to recognize the value of what we bring to the table and don’t be taken for granted. Identify what you can do and do it. This is magnified with the cross, who shows our advantage lies in our integrity or refusal to compromise. We want to avoid the idea that, "no one can do it as well as I can." Don't be afraid to let go and let God.



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