Happy Saturday!
The Moon is still in Leo and the Balsamic phase. We can aim to make the inward revision and realignment easier with the Leo fire. However, we are reminded to be ourselves with the Sun at a man making a futuristic drawing. The focus is on developing our own creative style which may inspire others to do the same. Don't be afraid to break the ice but ensure this fiery behavior doesn’t offend values or standards of those you may be trying to impress. Be like the Jockey and unafraid to sacrifice immediate pleasure for long-term gain. This is another day not to waste our resources.
The Black Moon moves to 07° Libra @ 10:02AM, we round up and will now be looking at the Sabian, a blazing fireplace in a deserted home. With the South Node and Black Moon touching yesterday we consider how this degree is different. We associate the South node with past traumas and based on the house location know where to look for its scars. This Sabian emphasizes feelings, emotions and sentiment making it likely we will think with our hearts rather than head. We succeed by making others feel cared for and welcome. The weakness is clinging to the past or wasting resources and time on dead issues. There is a lesson in releasing what is holding us back from our own progress as a humanity. As the inner parade of planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars) approach the Black Moon, more of the picture will become clear. 9/4 Venus; 10/2 Mercury; 10/3 Sun; Mars doesn't touch until 10/26/25 but we can watch this date in 2024 for any foreshadowing. We can look ahead to 10/2 which is the solar eclipse and know we are in for a heightened period. If you don’t journal already, consider keeping a journal of 9/4 to see if anything comes back around for you.
#MooninLeo #SuninVirgo #EarthinPisces #MercuryinLeo #VenusinLibra #MarsinGemini #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
