Sunday brings a complete day with the moon in Pisces and the first day of the First Quarter phase. We are using our intuition to navigate the outward stepping out or taking action. It is possible we take action through inaction or the choice not to participate until tomorrow when the Aries energy arrives.
There are no perfecting aspects today however the Mars retrograde energy is likely poking around at our psyche. We are happy to have Neptune stationing direct after being retrograde since July 2. We might begin to notice what parts of our life have been dissolved or are being transforming through transcending previous challenges. Regardless there is a lesson to be found. Neptune stations direct at 27°Pi07' – a fertile garden under the full moon. This symbol is about having all we need if we look deep enough. It is a time to remove the illusions about life we have been convincing ourselves of.
The Black Moon is here to keep our shadow side evolving also. We have this planetary body moving to 18° Libra at 5:21PM. The new symbol discharged is, “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties.” Our shadow side is likely causing us to rebel against acts of service in some fashion. Our greatest advantage lies in being of service to others. We may even need to tap into spiritual solutions when secular or practical methods fail to solve a serious problem. Our biggest challenge will be in how others view us. We are at risk of being condescending or giving the impression we are better than others. This 9-day window is ripe for teaching – Not preaching.
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