Saturday is the only complete day with the moon in the sign of Gemini. We have the full moon perfecting overnight so we can anticipate the clarity and revelation beginning Saturday afternoon, even though we are still in the gibbous phase. Today we should trust in the process and be receptive to the energy coming to us, just be like a screen that filters out the bad, rather than a sponge that soaks everything up.
The New moon was in Sagittarius so the Full moon will be in Gemini. The New moon was, “a theatrical representation of a “golden haired goddess of opportunity”” which speaks to looking below surface appearances. The Full moon is at, “children skating on ice.” When would be more appropriate to check that the surface is solid that when children are skating on ice? We can expect this is a lesson in timing and risk management. Life is about timing; we don’t naturally have ice in the summer. Some seasons we may not even have a freeze long enough to create a surface for kids to skate on. We also think of the risk associated with this behavior; falling through the ice and being trapped. A parents worst nightmare is losing their child. We will likely be tested in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of our life. Verify. Even if things look like they did last time. We must be even more aware of icy situations this winter season.
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