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December 29, 2024 – The Hardest Step is the First Step

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Sunday brings the final opportunity to lay plans before wrapping up the Sagittarius moon sign and turning over to the Capricorn New Moon Monday. This means our forgiving, releasing and dreaming about new plans and adventures is fully into the dreaming phase. We are preparing the seeds we want to plant with the Capricorn cycle over the next 30 days. We got a lot of help Saturday with Venus connecting to Uranus and Eris which likely is helping us discriminate about what we want and need to sustain ourselves.

Today we look to the Sun and Earth to get a bit more insight about the energy. The Sun is discharging, “an angel carrying a harp,” and the Earth, “a tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish.” The Sun and our identity may feel serene or protected today giving us the energy to dream about new cycles. We are reminded to think of ourselves and not trying to save the world. We must allow others to experience the consequences of their action but be available to play the harp and inspire or encourage them to move forward from the peace you made with your own past. This is seen in the Earth symbol. We were all once young and curious. Remember the mistakes you made once but don’t dwell on them. We cannot let fear stop us from enjoying our lives. The hardest step is the first step, and the Sagittarius moon energy may help us try something new!



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