Friday is open to all of the possibilities. We have the moon in the sign of Sagittarius and Third Quarter phase for the entire day. Sagittarius is known for being a fire sign that wants to experience everything. We are likely to find ourselves feeling more open-minded or curious, generous and enthusiastic about things we may normally find mundane. On the lower end, we can find ourselves feeling restless, behaving tactless or being overly blunt. Regarding the third quarter phase, this one is a day or two longer than usual meaning we are likely still sharing from the disseminating phase and just beginning to confirm what needs to be revised or realigned for the year ahead. If you aren’t sure, don’t be too hard on yourself, the Capricorn moon cycle is coming Saturday night so structure is coming up on the agenda. I don’t normally speak about moon aspects, however, today, the moon opposes Jupiter and squares Mercury. This combination can have us needing to show restraint and avoid grandiosity or excess. By showing self-control, rewards are more likely. With the moon and Mercury in square, we are being challenged in communication. To succeed, we will think before speaking, otherwise misunderstandings are likely. If we are feeling the need to blurt something out or capture the room’s attention, take a moment to count to five and see if the comment was really necessary, or might have put you in a negative light among peers. Expansive potential is available, just be careful not to burn yourself.
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