Sunday, we have a reference back to Saturday with our first aspect of the day, Sun conjunct Mercury (20°Aq59') at 7:08AM. Yesterday, Mercury and the Sun sextiled Chiron and now they are coming together at the same place in the sky. This is also one of the most common aspects since Mercury and the Sun stay within 30° of each other at all times. Regardless, the aspect can make it a positive time for communicating and writing. We need to be especially clear in our dealings with others since the aspect is in Aquarius. Aquarius can be opinionated, idealistic, and inflexible which all have their season, be sure you have on the right outfit for whichever occasion you are presented with.
Just after the Sun and Mercury meet up, Mars Rx (18°Cn22') makes trine to Saturn (18°Pi22') at 8:14AM. Let’s break down the details. A trine provides power. Mars is undergoing reformation in a water sign, which as a fire planet is not comfortable. Saturn is within 1°, 10 days, of being out of its shadow, meaning old business is almost complete and new stuff is coming in. We know this is the year's third quarter solar cycle so revision and realignment is layered in even more.
Lastly, we have the Black Moon moving to 25° Libra at 7:57PM. This is releasing for anyone who has planets at 22° Libra and picking up for those at 28°. The new Sabian symbol is, “an eagle and a large white dove turning into each other.” We can expect transformation and instability in the air. During the next 9 days we should be thinking about making decisions but waiting until the dust settles before finalizing anything. We can become upset by losing control of situations, try to remind yourself this is happening to everyone right now.
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