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January 28, 2025 – Bulletproof Glass

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Tuesday is our first break in the aspects in a few days. Unfortunately, tomorrow brings the new moon and Mercury/Pluto coming to the same space but we will enjoy today while we have it. The only major event is the moon moving from Capricorn to Aquarius at 2:31PM. This is when we find our focus pulled towards hobbies, clubs and groups we are a part of. We find today through Thursday highlights humanitarian pursuits. The New moon occurring here adds an extra flavor of new beginnings in this area of life. Today is the third and final day of the Balsamic moon phase which means we are deep in the releasing and dreaming period. Do not allow restrictions of past cycles to impede your growth, we are being given a chance to reinvent the ways we look at power struggles and self-discipline.

Today we have the Sun at, “a flag turned into an eagle,” and Earth, “glassblowers” both indicating a changing of form. The flag and eagle will have our identity feeling the need to stand up for what we believe in. We may find ourselves taking action to protect the groups we belong to and the ideals which band these together. We should take the high road and avoid the temptation to try and get even if someone offends us. The glassblowers point to using a light touch and moving quickly to correct mistakes, as well as a skill regarding fire and dangerous working conditions to create beauty. Today we succeed by being skillful and creative in working with others to get what we desire. Distorting the truth or embellishing facts will have negative consequences.



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