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January 6, 2024 – Tough Changes

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Monday, we find both of our astrological events early in the day. We have the moon in the sign of Aries all day and the first day of the First Quarter energy entering. As a reminder, Aries energy can have our temper flared up and have us easily triggered. The energy may be pushing us to start new things or move projects along, however, we can feel stuck or held back at the same time.

Firstly, we have Mars Retrograde re-entering Cancer at 5:44AM. It was in Leo from November 4, 2024, until today, meaning events today and back in early November are trying to tell us a story about our energy relating to the Cancer/Leo quadrant of our chart.  When Mars is retrograde in general, it can have a strong effect on us. It usually makes us feel the need to be “on” at all times and possibly, everything to everyone. Mars retrograde in cancer can manifest the urge to be passive-aggressive instead of addressing things head-on, and expressing frustrations healthily could feel especially difficult.

Adding another somewhat difficult layer to the day is Mercury (27°Sg22’) square Uranus Rx (27°Pi22’) at 8:55AM. This is between Firey Sagittarius and watery Pisces. We can infer that our inner psyche or communication is being changed by creative force. The positive to this aspect is Neptune is Pisces, its ruling sign and place it is most comfortable. With this aspect, we can find our imagination overstimulated. There is potential for confusion, misperception and deceit. We succeed by using intuitive thinking and reading into the subtleties of your interactions. Regardless there is a change coming that will bring us fulfillment, our task is accepting the changes our new path requires.



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