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January 7, 2024 – Fare the Well

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

We have a slight break in the astrology before a heavy day on Wednesday. It is likely we will begin to feel a bit of shifting in our inner psyche, identity, destiny and our inner wounds, healing and teaching. The only astrological movement we track today is the moon moving from Aries to Taurus at 5:11PM. The last couple days have been spurring us into action while in Aries and fits the first quarter energy of stepping out and taking action. This energy was about starting things or finding new opportunities and being tested in selflessness and patience. The Taurus energy asks us to continue stepping out and taking action but in a more stable way that pushes for consolidation of projects. We will be establishing routines and possess a more grounded mentality.

The Sun is discharging, “the Union Jack,” and the Earth, “a hen scratching for her chicks.” The Sun and our identity is accentuating government; meaning group benefits and social services. Our advantage lies in being part of a group. We are cautioned against giving up our voice in exchange for protection. We should not be fooled into giving up current benefits for vague future opportunities. This is called out with the Earth symbol and the hen preparing a nest for her chicks. We are reminded to assist others and help those who can’t stand on their own feet yet. We find fulfillment by thinking ahead to what you’re going to need and getting it ready. It is a time to be resourceful and willing to do a little extra work. We seize the day by avoiding trivial or inconsequential matters or avoiding digging up things that are better off left buried.  



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