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July 05, 2024 - New Moon in Cancer

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis


Today’s astrology focuses on two events. The new moon and a mars/Saturn sextile.

The first event is Mars (19°Ta23') sextile Saturn Rx (19°Pi23') at 3:02PM. This brings discipline and endurance to our attention. It can be confusing because delays will likely be fortuitous. Be happy with accomplishing what you can and resisting the urge to control.

The New Moon is exact at (14°Cn23') 6:57PM: “a group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it." This Sabian Symbol speaks to satisfaction, it dramatizes the fullness of a shared experience with others. It also points out the consequences of overcompensating for lack in one area by going overboard in another area. At its highest, this is passion for life, alternatively, excess and lack of self-control represent the low road. Since this is a new moon, we are impacted by this energy for the next 29 days. This means knowing when it's time to stop and exercising moderation. Fear that time and things are running out for you is another way to view the lower road. We succeed by remembering this new phase is for beginning or intending. New Moon Seed rituals will ideally occur in the 6-12 hours after 6:57PM. We go to a safe place, set our intention(s), and receive the seed of intention for the next month. I began this last moon cycle and definitely noticed a difference in overall success. This process can feel uncomfortable but I'm happy to help anyone get clarity on it :)



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