Today the moon, still in new phase, moves from Leo to Virgo at 9:48AM. We are feeling the crescent phase coming in with this transition. Intentions we were seeding will now test our perseverance. In general, the moon moving to Virgo will have us focused on the details, tidying up and getting organized. Starting a gym routine or scheduling a health appointment will be easier too.
Later in the afternoon, Jupiter (10°Ge06') perfects the sextile to the North Node (10°Ar06') at 6:03PM. To me, this is huge, the symbols with Jupiter second reads, the president of the country a new path of realism in experience. While thats not correct grammar, we can read into this quite a bit. How is new experience bringing about a changing of the leader of the country, or us, the leader of our lives? Regardless, destiny brings us good fortune in the form of a person or event.
Finally, Mars (01°Ta10') trine Black Moon (01°Li10') at 8:48PM will find anger coming up. People may tend to "vent." The 2-3 days surrounding this aspect is a good time to see a therapist or counselor. Mars gives us sunglasses to more accurately view ourselves, our motivations and what may be causing the conflict being presented. As with Jupiter and the North Node, this confirms our destiny waits.
#MooninLeo #SuninCancer #EarthinCapricorn #MercuryinLeo #VenusinCancer #MarsinTaurus #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
