We reach the Full Moon in Capricorn (29°Cp08') at 6:17AM: The Sabian symbol is directors of a large firm meet in secret conference. 29 is the final degree before shifting to the next sign and considered a "degree of completion." Capricorn is the sign of culmination so we might take some time to ask what is culminating or coming to a crossroads in our lives? Knowing the Capricorn house of your chart will give the best information.
At 7:43AM, the moon moves to Aquarius, putting a filter of humanitarian pursuits on our lives until Tuesday. Once we determine what is culminating it will be easy to build networks and collaborate.
Chiron Stations Retrograde @ 23°Ar32'. This can rework our mentality about wounding and being wounded, healing and being healed, then teaching the experience. Our ability to be generous will be tested. We would be wise to avoid flaunting our possessions in front of those less fortunate. However, if we expect the best and have pure intent, the energy is here to build it.
Venus (12°Le30') sextile Jupiter (12°Ge30') 4:43PM will have us enjoying life, following our bliss. We can discover our hearts true desire, which sounds perfect on this full moon day. Whether it is a person, vocation or artistic hobby, feel the joy.
Mercury (26°Le32') square Uranus (26°Ta32') 6:20PM can mark a complicated mental time. There can be mental tension as our communication energy is introduced to drastic change.
Just before midnight Mars (00°Ge53') trine Pluto Rx (00°Aq53') @ 11:47PM. Transformational energy is abundantly available. Actions will have results but be careful not to push others. Strategy is favored.
Sun (29°Cn49') trine Neptune Rx (29°Pi49') 11:25PM supporting our intuition. It is a good night to record dreams and ideas as our imagination and creativity are boundless.
The energy today is about finding who we are and want to be. Without recognizing both, we are caught in arrested development. So many aspects on one day is not customary and feels fated. Take the time to find what is ripe for harvest in your life.
#MooninCapricorn #SuninCancer #EarthinCapricorn #MercuryinLeo #VenusinLeo #MarsinGemini #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
