After a few days of minimal astrological activity, Saturday comes in with a couple of impactful events. The first is, overnight, the Sun (17°Pi52’) trine Mars (17°Cn52’) perfects at 12:12AM. This is a time when our competitive spirit can come through most strongly. In addition to insight from the Sabian symbols for these planets, we can also look back to November 24-28, 2024 for signs about what this energy may look like. The main difference is, now the plants are in water signs vs fire signs. Water signs are deep feelers, intuition, instinct and private thoughts. Because Mars was retrograde since the touch, we likely have a new outlook on how we give ourselves joy and passion, which is the fire sign theme. We have the support from water to help us start something new.
This support is echoed with the moon in Cancer and First Quarter phase all day. Cancer is the authoritative water sign who generates energy, and first quarter is about initiating growth with your intentions from the new moon in Pisces. Regardless, we can know that the Cancer space of our birth chart is being activated.
Lastly, the Black Moon transits across 28° Libra at 8:26PM, we round up and the symbol is, “mankind’s vast enduring effort to reach for knowledge transferrable from generation to generation.” Since it is the Black Moon, we are working with the shadow side of this symbol, which, at its best, speaks to linking things that are separated with unique talent or finding new and productive uses for things. We can expect to be dealing with the bad side of feeling that nothing is good enough, no matter how much is accomplished. We should give ourselves and those we love compassion and support rather than criticism. We should also not be afraid to accept help, it is unlikely we accomplish things without a team of support under this shadow. On the positive side, it is likely we have a lighter time with this energy other than March 12-14 when we enter the Virgo moon cycle and the 17th as the Black Moon moves to the next degree.
#MooninCancer #SuninPisces #EarthinVirgo #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
