We increase the astrological intensity as we move toward the full Moon on Friday. Both of our activities happen on Wednesday early in the morning. The first event is the moon moving from Leo to Virgo at 3:55AM. Virgo will be the sign which the full moon occurs so we may begin to get insight about the details of what is being brought to light. Virgo moon cycle is about returning to details and routine. We tidy up and get organized in a flexible way. It may also mean improving our health through a gym routine or checkup. As we move through the gibbous moon phase, we can get inner messages to trust in the process or that we are on the correct path.
Our main perfecting aspect of the day is the Sun conjunct Saturn (22°Pi05’ – a “materializing medium” giving a séance) at 6:28AM. This is our identity and a new beginning with structures and boundaries. It is likely we will be able to establish good relations with those in power at this time. We also may be reaping the rewards of past endeavors. For insight about when those events began, the last time we had this aspect was Feb 28, 2024, at 09°Pi46’, Sabian Symbol, “an aviator in the clouds.” These symbols indicate a shift from being an aviator in the clouds about something, where we cannot see in front of us, that we must rely on instruments to navigate. We can infer with the medium giving a séance, there is a level of tapping into the unseen and being able to navigate it in a way we had been unable to previously. At a simpler level, this is going from creating a new perspective or stepping back to look at themes and patterns, to understanding the greater significance of when things don’t go as planned or when the themes and patterns are broken. The Virgo soothing moon phase will help us if we encounter anything that is too shocking or traumatic.
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