Monday is packed with events as we wrap up the full moon phase. The first event is the moon moving from Libra to Scorpio at 3:30AM. This means we are still gaining insight and experiencing outward revelation about what we don’t want to take into the next astrological year. We can anticipate Scorpio bringing the underworld to our attention and contemplating deeper things in life. We could be more prone to conflict or alternatively, improved intuition. Regardless, the moon is playing a large role in our day today.
We also have a Black Moon Day on Monday since the Moon and Black Moon are in the same place of the sky. It is likely our shadow around isolation or loneliness comes into focus. We should be aware of our boundaries being pushed or perfectionism impeding progress. It is a day when we are prone to conflict so try not to take things too seriously or push others to see our point of view.
Doubling on the Black Moon energy, we have it moving to 29° Libra at 8:32PM, symbol, “three mounds of knowledge on a philosophers head” and is the final Sabian for the Libra sign. Our shadow side may have us rationalizing away psychic perceptions or having us focused on one mound while a message is revealed in another. Our skill built in this window relates to using more than one way of doing things. If something seems out of the ordinary, there may be a change coming that we need to prepare for. Being stuck in old ways of doing things can be a symptom of this shadow side.
Lastly, we have the Sun conjunct the North Node (27°Pi23’) at 2:03PM. This once-a-year event signifies a new beginning surrounding our identity and our path in life. It could mean realizing a truth or meeting someone that propels you along this journey. We are likely beginning a new cycle overall since the nodes traversed the entire zodiac and are now in a new cycle within Pisces.
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