Happy Friday! Today we have Pluto turning retrograde. It will only move 2 degrees 27 minutes to 29°Capricorn 39' on 10/12/24 when it stations direct. Interestingly, there are only about 79 days we have Pluto back in Capricorn for the rest of our lives. Pluto and its transformative power will bring the independent aquarian energy which seeks to free everything. We find harmony by embodying this in our own genuinely unique way.
Every day and especially today, we have a chance to decide what we want to participate in (or not) and how we want to set an example. We can sometimes see limitations in ourselves that aren't real, with "a deserter from the navy." Mars sextile Pluto retrograde will bring lots of energy to act. Don't push others, instead try to channel it into positive actions or strategy instead. Decisions made now will have results imprinted as Pluto passes 02°Aq06' again May 2/3, 2025. Today is a great day to be a great day :)
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