Be prepared as the winds of change are blowing today. We have no major aspects however the symbols give us a clear picture of the day's energy. The sun is at, "wind clouds and haste." This speaks to holding to center and the human inclination to skim over the surface of life without diving deep. This is one of the few symbols designated as a negative or reversed symbol. At its highest this energy speaks to staying centered in the face of sudden change and the gift for recognizing and seizing any opportunities stirred up by the excitement. Regardless, things are in flux, and it can be hard to focus on one task. To succeed today we will be wise to take time to investigate things and not try to do everything at once.
The Earth symbol asks us to move forward through what is "unknown and beyond the realm of the senses." How can we find the courage to face something we have been dreading? Secrets may be revealed today. We still should guard against exposing ourselves to criticism by revealing too much. We are wise to avoid Pandora's box by bringing attention to something that's better left alone at this time.
#MooninTaurus #SuninTaurus #EarthinScorpio #MercuryinAries #VenusinTaurus #MarsinAries #JupiterinTaurus #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninVirgo #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
