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November 16, 2024 – Putting Down the Sword

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Saturday brings a pretty full astrological day. First, we have the moon moving from Taurus to Gemini at 2:09AM. Gemini moon phase is known for bringing new ideas and communicating. We are reminded to make the most of opportunities that come along but we may be required to discriminate. We have Saturn in the process of stationing direct to help us with the structure. We also have another day of full moon phase energy of clarity and revelation about the message from the current Scorpio moon phase. This is like the middle age of having knowledge but shaping on our own rather than being reactive.

The main event is Saturn stationing direct at 12°Pi41', Saturn was last at this degree on March 8, 2024 and will bring back lessons from that time. The Sabian symbol of, “a sword in a museum” accentuates influence from the past. We can anticipate the lesson from this cycle is surrounding the Pisces part of our birth chart. We are reminded to do our research and look at the background or history of a situation to make the right decision. We succeed by not making mountains out of molehills. This degree makes is more likely we might blow things out of proportion. Hopefully, since we have been at this degree for 19 days already, this is something we are becoming familiar with. Be prepared for things to reach a culmination point.

Also, before sunrise, we have Venus (5°Cp35’) square the North Node (5°Ar35’) at 6:03AM. This is relationships changing our movement towards future. Squares are known for being challenging so this may be similar. The lesson in this aspect is to look around. See who is supporting you and who is absent? The answer to the question is likely to determine your next course of action.

The aspects are summed up with the last one of the day which is the Sun (25°Sc14’) opposite Uranus Rx (25°Ta14’) at 9:44PM. This aspect likely has us feeling restless and wanting change. We are seeing our identity intensifying change from a basic level. Try not to revolt because a little restraint will help you make the appropriate choices.



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