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November 18, 2024 – RSVP in the Mail

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Monday is another day of the moon in the full phase, but it moves from Gemini to Cancer at 1:26PM. Cancer is the sign where the moon is the most comfortable and when our focus returns to home and family. Our activities over the next 2.5 days are likely to focus on nurturing yourself and your loved ones. As a reminder, the full phase is about clarity and revelation so that will be continuing today.

Before sunrise, we have Mercury (18°Sg47’) opposite Jupiter Rx (18°Ge47’) at 3:55AM. This is our mental psyche adding intensity to Jupiter’s expansive energy. It can look like mentally pushing the limits. There is likely interest in learning or travel. Our potential to be overconfident in judgements or opinions should be tempered.

Late in the afternoon, the Sun (27°Sc13’) perfects trine to Uranus Rx (27°Sc13’) 9:07PM. This is our identity powering reworking change. We are likely to have improved intuition, follow it. It is a good time to record dreams and ideas because imagination and creativity is limitless under this aspect. Today is the last day of the full moon cycle so be on the lookout for any lessons if you are unsure what your lesson is. As a reminder the Sabian was, “a fellowship supper reunites old comrades.” This period is about figuring out who you want at your table, be on the lookout for a RSVP 😊



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