The main point of concern today is Pluto entering Aquarius. Being the outermost planet, anytime it changes signs it’s a big deal. The first time we felt Pluto in Aquarius was late March 2023 – mid June 2023, then we went back to Capricorn depths of structure until late January 2024. We were in the lighter masculine Aquarius until early September 2024 when we went back to Capricorn for the last time, through today. We are able to look at the periods of ebb and flow that this 1.5-year dance has taken to play out. What structures were falling away in the Aquarius periods that were re-introduced during the Capricorn windows? How is your world transformed from the place it used to be?
We have the moon in Cancer supporting the intuitive inward emotional advancement. The moon has also shifted to the disseminating phase of communicating and sharing about what was lit up in the full phase. We can infer what is being communicated since our aspect of the day involved Mercury. The aspect is also a trine which is benefic or supporting.
The aspect is between Mercury (19°Sg43’) and Chiron Rx (19°Ar43’) perfecting trine at 6:28AM. Mercury is easing the wounded healer and teacher. We can infer that the wounds are tied to Pluto’s shift between the signs. Pluto’s orbit is 248 years meaning each sign is about 20 years. I find generational lines are actually more tied to Pluto’s sign changes than any decade or other measurement. Pluto represents deep thinking and large amounts of energy. At the highest, this energy heals, when it is unfocused the energy is destructive. It is most useful to know where Pluto is transiting in your chart so reach out for a reading today!
#MooninCancer #SuninScorpio #EarthinTaurus #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
