Wednesday brings us a full day of the moon in Libra as we find time spent on artistic or social activities. We are also beginning the New Moon phase (10°Li03’) at 2:49PM: “a professor peering over his glasses at his students.” We are fairly familiar with this degree as it is where the Black Moon is currently located. This means today is a Black Moon Day (be aware of the lower shadow side) and the New Moon is conjunct the Black Moon. The conjunction can indicate a new beginning with this degree in our personal birth chart/life. The New Moon phase is an outward yang phase of beginning and intending. After this past weekends hurricane, I can see more clearly where this action is needed than at this time last week. How about you? Today is also the annual solar eclipse marking an ending of old projects. We have many different projects in life and sometimes do not complete things that we begin, the solar eclipse energy is here for helping us get rid of heavy, old baggage weighing us down. With the professor peering over his glasses, we can discern that our lesson may be in skill and knowledge. This references the old baggage and that we should focus on what we like and are good at rather than taking on projects we are unlikely to finish.
Our other aspect of the day is Mercury conjunct the Black Moon (10°Li29’) at 12:32AM. The professor is now impacting our communication and likely making us feel like there is a new beginning in the area of perfectionism or boundaries. We want to make sure we are clear with communicating late Tuesday and all-day Wednesday.
The Sun and Earth give us insight about the day as well. The Sun at a canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters points out that sometimes we have to take risks and occasionally put ourselves in one danger to avoid a larger threat. The Canoe also suggests surviving a crisis or serious predicament. Canoes are dependent transportation sources; they go with the current and rarely go against the natural direction. We are reminded not to depend on luck or others to save us. It is about choosing the right course of action after evaluating the hazards before starting the journey. It is a day not to take risks where we cannot afford to lose it all. The Earth reminds us sometimes updates are needed after gaining new knowledge. This symbol implies that the passage of time can change the meaning of words and images due to modern culture and evolution. We are being given an opportunity to express ourselves in different ways to bridge generational gaps. Communication is highlighted doubly with the Mercury aspect today and tells us to be aware of what we hear as well as what we say. Writing off something that doesn’t make sense or sound right to us is something to guard against. Don’t be afraid to learn something new today.
#MooninLibra #SuninLibra #EarthinAries #MercuryinLibra #VenusinScorpio #MarsinCancer #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinCapricorn #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
