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October 15, 2024 – Measure Twice, Cut Once

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Tuesday brings us the second day of the Gibbous moon phase of trusting. It is likely we will start to see more action in this area late today and into tomorrow as the moon moves from Pisces to Aries at 4:34PM. Aries moon phase is characterized by beginning new projects, and looking for new opportunities. We might find ourselves reacting selfishly so patience with others is advised.

We also find the Black Moon moving to 12° Libra at 1:41PM, rounding up we see, “children blowing soap bubbles.” This symbol speaks to beauty and pleasure in innocent or frivolous pastimes; we may find it hard to keep our minds on work. Our challenge is in being able to distinguish between child-like and childish behaviors. By using our imagination or looking at something in a new light, we may gain a new appreciation or understanding.

Our aspect of the day is Venus (27°Sc51’) trine Neptune Rx (27°Ta51’) at 8:49PM. Venus (relationships) trine (powering) creativity (Neptune) retrograde can have us feeling the urge to escape to luxurious places. It may be a romantic island getaway, trip the local beach or a long hot bath. Neptune is in Venus’ home sign adding another positive layer. Looking at the Sabian’s we see a king of the fairies approaching his domain and a fertile garden under the Full Moon. We can definitely imagine the King gaining power from the fertile, natural garden.

The Sun and Earth at, “a Rooster” and “a woman in pastel colors carrying a valuable but veiled load” tells us there is a chance attention will be called to something we may prefer not to share with everyone. The Sun and our energy is expressing a call to all who can hear. The Earth and our grounding is keeping our cards close to our chest while demanding full disclosure in dealings with others. The accent is on things of mystery and things that are hidden or not what they appear to be. We want to avoid crying wolf and be sure when speaking.



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