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September 26, 2024 – Simplicity in Serenity

Writer: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

We are in the second to last day of third quarter energy, there is likely quite a bit of revision and realignment occurring around family and home. This revision shifts from Cancer to Leo at 6:47PM lightening up the energy and bringing in a childlike feeling. We are best to save unnecessary chores for the Virgo cycle Sunday.

Before sunrise we have a few other noteworthy events. First, Mercury (29°Vi42’: a false call unheard in attention to immediate service) trine Pluto Rx (29°Cp42’) 12:13AM. We had this aspect with the sun last Sunday with our identity and now the cycle is closing up with Mercury coming through. Mars only makes it to 6 degrees of Leo before retrograding therefore it will not make this aspect until next year. As Mercury trines Pluto we are likely to find ourselves having deep, powerful conversations. Debate and talk of change, there can be psychological issues so tread lightly.

Our friend Mercury enters Libra at 4:08AM marking a shift towards a more diplomatic way of communicating. We may find ourselves planning social events or pursuing artistic projects.

The Sun at a group around a campfire and Earth at two lovers on a walk point towards nature and fellowship. We are likely to find personal differences easy to forget as we focus on more common issues and concerns. We find success by encouraging cooperation and service leadership. It is not a time to expect others to pick up our slack or criticize others for a job we refuse to do. The Earth alludes to privacy, serenity and simplicity. We find greatest success by doing what comes naturally. It is a good time to spend time on a relaxing hobby or with someone special. We can ground ourselves by taking some time for ourselves today. Remember not to turn play into work or try to force someone else to see things the way we do.



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